Helbiz day pass offers you 4 rides up to 30 minutes free, all day long. No pause time between trips.
You can easily subscribe to our daily pass directly from the app and enjoy all its benefits, at a price of $14.99. (USA)
You do not need to worry about the automatic renewal, since this is a one-time purchase, and once the 24 hours period is over, your pass is no longer valid and will not be renewed unless you decide to purchase it again by re-doing the procedure in the app.
Helbiz Day Pass benefits:
- Free Rides - Take 4 rides up to 30min free per trip, all day long
- Valid Worldwide - Whether you are in Europe, the USA, or Asia, it is all included
- All Vehicles - E-Scooter, E-Bikes - our entire fleet is yours to use (Mopeds coming soon)
- Free Food Deliveries - Unlimited free deliveries from our restaurants with Helbiz Kitchen
How to purchase a Helbiz Pass:
- Open the app
- Click Helbiz Plus from the side menu
- Choose one of the packages as per your preferences
- Follow the steps on the screen to complete the purchase
The cost of Helbiz Pass may vary depending on the market and can be viewed prior to purchase in the Helbiz app.
Please note that you can use a valid payment method associated with your account in order to successfully purchase one of the passes. Nevertheless, you can also use the credit from your Helbiz Wallet.
Reserve costs the same per-minute rate as your ride. If you cancel your reservation you may still be charged for the minutes that the vehicle was reserved.
You will not pay to pause the ride if the pause occurs in the first 30 minutes of the ride.
Please note that the per-minute charge applies after 30 minutes of riding according to the prices on the specific market.
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