When you start a ride you may see a pending transaction on your payment method. This isn't an extra charge, but a preauthorization. This is a temporary hold of a fixed amount which we use to verify the validity of your payment method, at the beginning of your trip.
The preauthorization amount will be settled when the ride is ended based on the ride cost.
- If your ride cost is less than the preauthorization amount, we will use the hold to cover the cost of your ride and then refund you the difference - you will only pay for the cost of your ride in the end.
Example: if the preauthorization is €5.00 and your ride cost is €2.00, we will refund you €3.00 back.
- If your ride cost is equal to the preauthorization amount, we will use the preauthorization to cover the ride cost.
- If your ride cost is higher than the preauthorization amount, we will keep the preauthorization amount, and make an additional charge for the remaining amount.
Example: if the preauthorization is €5.00 and your ride cost is €7.00, we will keep the preauthorization amount, and make a second charge for the additional €2.00.
Keep in mind that the preauthorization amount can vary depending on the city and terms of use.
P.S. We release this preauthorization amount immediately after your trip ends. Since they are not actual charges, this will not appear as a refund to your account, but as an adjustment to your available balance or the removal of the pending charge. It may take up to 48 hours for your bank to reflect this release. We encourage you to check with your bank to understand their policies on preauthorization holds.
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